And again, I do take pictures of old barns, so here we go again. Some of these barns are on the way from Bend to the casino and some of them were from the casino to Crater Lake.
Hwy 62, on the way to Crater Lake.
We didn't make it to Klamath Falls. We saw this casino right on the road so we stopped. The road to Crater Lake was right there so we decided to stop at the casino, unhook and leave the coach there while we went to Crater Lake and when we came back we would eat, play a little and spend the nite there.
On the road we are again, heading to Klamath Falls and to Crater Lake. More of the same, Construction.
Here we are all in line to dump so we can get back on the road.
Laramie West is on the road to the dump station.
This is our site at Bend. We had a nice big handicap spot.
Another one of the buildings at Bend. I didn't check out the park cause we didn't stay there but a couple of days and one of the days we washed the car and the coach and Tommy also fixed the step on our coach.
Family center at TT Bend.
We made it to Thousand Trails at Bend.
A barn with the mountains in the background.
A stream we saw when we stopped on a hill.
Horses in a farm down the road.
We also went through a cute little town called Sisters.
From Eugene OR, we went down hwy 126 into Bend. Along the way we saw many miles of these kind of trees. I guess it probably has been caused by fires at one time or another.
I am a mother of 3 children and grandmother of 4. I retired from a school district working as a bilingual secretary. At the time that I retired 5 years ago, my co-workers asked me what I was going to do after I retired. I told them that I thought my husband and I would travel some. Never in my wildest dream did I dream of traveling the way we are traveling. After my husband and I retired he was watching The Travel Channel and they were building million dollar motorhomes and guess how we're traveling? We are traveling all around the country in a 2007 Monico Camelot Motorhome. Right now we are in Alaska and have been here for a few weeks. We still have a home but he doesn't care to go home.
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