Another view of the lake.

Most of the time we stop and there are signs, Tommy has got to read every bit of it.

We were probably stopped for construction. That is why we have vehicles in front of us. Most of the times there is not much traffic. Most of the traffic is RVers going or coming.

Here is Muncho Lake. Those lakes that are green are just totally awesome.

This tells why the water in the lake is green.

I read what Ernie Birkbeck did but I don't remember. I think it had something to do with these lake.

Just going up and down these valleys and hills.

Stream of water going along side the road.

In this area there was a lot of beautiful scenery that we didn't take pictures of. I was driving and Tommy's idea of scenery is not the same as mine.

Away we go into the valley.

We saw baffalo everywhere. We were driving down the road and all of a sudden we see one just minding his own business. They never pay attention to whats going on around them.

This one posed for me. He didn't really smile though, or is that a smile I see?

We were excited to see this group cuz we weren't expecting to see baffalo, let alone this many.

There were 7 baffalo there together. The other baffalo going down the road by himself was way back from these group of baffalo.

Then we found where the baffalo roam. They just laid there. They never moved. It was raining a little bit so I guess its better for them to just sit still in the rain.

I guess we were getting a little rain.

And away we go ourselves.

And away he goes.
We found this loner walking along the highway. He looks like he is a younger baffalo because the other baffalo that we took pictures of looked much rougher and older.

Wow, those clouds looks like they are right there in front of us. I guess we were at a high altitude.

And there we go again going down the winding, isolated roads that you can enjoy traveling on cuz there's always scenery or wildlife of some sort.

There they all are.

There she is with one of the cubs. The other cub was further away from them so it was harder to get them all together in the same shot.

We saw a mama bear and her two cubs. Of course they always had their nose buried in the dirt or grass and could never get a good shot but I tried.

This was a little different kind of bridge.
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