We stopped here to take pictures of this gulch. It is hugh and deep. I tried to post the pictures but we didn't have enough power to keep our internet going, so I gave up and went to bed.

We're back on the road.

And another.

Another view of Mt. McKinley.

The white mountain in the background is Mt. McKinley. It is a beautiful mountain, white as snow. It was way in the distance. Mt. McKinley is North America's highest mountain at 20,320 ft. Sometimes the Alaska Range's unpredictable weather doesn't cooperate in disclosing the majestic mountain with often elusive peak.

We stopped here so we could try to get a view of Mt. McKinley again.

A mountain way out in the distance. At this time we are headed to Denali National Park.

We stopped at this place where there was a view of Mt. McKinley but my pictures didn't turn out too good, it was too far off in the distance. This dozer or whatever it is was there. Tommy always likes to take pictures of equipment, especially if its different and old.

This is the only picture we took at Talkeetna. It was a neat little town with a lot of little shops, but we weren't expecting to leave as suddenly as we did, so we missed out on the pictures. Tommy probably doesn't even want to remember that little town anyway.

A little scenery on the way to Talkeetna.

We went on to Talkeetna. There was some kind of festival going on there on the weekend so all the campgrounds were full. We finally ended up finding one that was no hookups for $20.00. Tommy decided that he didn't want to pay that when he could pay a little more and have hookups so we could get our internet. We do get pretty spoiled with the luxuries. After being in line to get into the park (woods) Tommy tried to get out by going around a circle drive but he didn't notice and I didn't either, that there was a small wide drainage ditch or something and we coulding get out of there. We were stuck. He was pushing dirt and rock with the bottom of the coach. He had to get air into his air bags and raise the coach up. He did the bags in the front, then the hitch or towing bar at the back got buried in the ground so he had to raise the coach at the back. We finally got out of there. He was so mad at himself for not paying attention and at this time he didn't know how much damage he'd done. It wasn't too bad, but any kind of damage hurts when you try so hard to take care of it. After all that, we just got out of Talkeetna.

We finally got to catch up with our traveling group. We met them between Wasilla and Talkeetna. We talked and were trying to find a place where we could stay together for the nite but at the end we didn't find a good place that would accommodate all of us so we decided to say our goodbyes and go on.

Another shot of the lake.

We didn't get to see anything in Wasilla but on our way out we did see this lake and it seemed like everybody in Wasilla was there. Some people asked us about not seeing swimming pools and bathing suits. Here they are. I bet the water was cold even though the temperature was in the 70s.

We're getting closer to Wasilla.

We're on our way to Wasilla.
Swimsuits in Alaska? Who would of thunk it???