An awesome mural on this building.

We got parked at Bayside RV Park and left to check the town.

Holly, molly, we're here at Valdez.

We can see something up the road. Maybe its our destination.

And another awesome waterfall.

What a beautiful hugh waterfall this is.

More streams going along side the winding road.

What a difference the other side of the mountain makes.

At that time I didn't know, cause we couldn't see, but I think we were on the Thompson Pass.

We went through this for a while. I guess we were climbing all the time.

Just awesome blends of the mountains, snow, terrain and the clouds.

We couldn't see much of the scenery at this time but every now and then I saw blankets of white things so I snapped a shot.

And still more road construction.

Now the clouds are falling all the way to the road. Does that mean that we're traveling in the sky. Sometimes it seemed so when we couldn't see in front of us.

No, the clouds are falling down to the mountains.

The mountains are reaching up to the clouds.

More streams and another curve.

And long winding roads with different and somewhat the same scenery. It's all breathtaking.

Many water ways.

We got to Tok, spend a nite at Sourdough Campground and left the following morning but not until I had gotten in trouble. When we got to the park, Tommy asked the lady if we could wash our coach. She said yes. With all the gravel, sand and rain to top it off, the coach and car were again just as dirty as they could be. At 9:00 pm Tommy started washing the coach. It was after 10:00 when he finished. At that time it was still daylight but I guess the Alaskan people are already used to going to bed at a certain time and we're not used to so many daylight hours. Anyway it was pretty quiet and nobody complained. In the morning, I was rinsing the car a little cause you couldn't tell that it was a car, well, here comes the owner or manager and he tells me I'm not supposed to be washing my car. I told him I was just rinsing it, he said no, you can't. He said, didn't you read the paper, I said no, I'm sorry I didn't. So he left and then he came back with a piece of paper that said we could be fined $200.00. I hope that doesn't show on our credit card. Boy, if he knew that Tommy had washed the coach the nite before, he would of had a heart attack. We could wash our vehicles but they had a pay car wash a little ways up. Oh well, we'll use it on the way back.
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