First place we went to was the Red Dog Saloon. We had to check it out because Carol and I were going shopping and the guys were going to stay behind. We had to make sure that Tommy and Ron would be okay and wouldn't get in any trouble. It checked out okay so we took off to try to spend some money. We didn't have much so there wouldn't be any damage there either.

Here we are in Juneau.

We are trying to load up and take a drive to Juneau. Maybe we'll get to see Sarah Palin.

This bird was watching us as we came in to dock. We had to get off the boat and load up into a bus that would take us to Juneau about 45 minutes away.

Tommy was too cold to come take a picture. No, I think he was taking a nap and didn't even know we were being photograped.

Here's a whale. Can you see it? I can't either but I know it's there because of the water splashing. We saw a lot of that. Once in a while I got a little bit of their tail. It all happens too fast and you've got to be ready with the camera and you don't know where it's going to come up next.

And more seals.

Somes of the seals. There were probably hundreds.

The harbor at Haines.

We stopped at Haines, Alaska and picked up a couple that was going on our cruise.

This is our captain. She did a good job manuvering the boat. She took us and turned us around when she needed to so we could see the different things. We saw whales, or the water spewing (ms), seals, glaciers, eagles and other things.

I can't believe he took his hat off.

Here's Tommy at the back of the boat. He is all bundled up, doesn't even want to move. I think he if frozen solid. He is always cold. I always have to live in a toasty home.

Sorry, somehow I deleted a picture and this one got copied. I'm new at this and I'm trying. At this time because I'm way behind with my blog, I can't take time figuring it out, I'll do what I can. We are getting ready to leave Soldotna today and go back to Anchorage.

Here we go again, I got carried away and left out our cruise to Juneau. Here we are leaving our port on The Fjordland. As some of you know, you can't get to Juneau except by water or air.

Some of this is the same scenery as when we came in, but some of it is different. You don't ever get to see it all.

Here we are, on the road again, trying to go through customs into Canada once more.

Before we left Skagwag, I had to be sure that I sent my youngest granddaughter a birthday card. I got up early cause I didn't know what time we would be shipping out, walked to the post office and mailed her card. I wanted it to have an Alaskan post mark and also if I mailed it from Canada, it would be over a dollar for the stamp and I didn't want to buy any. The town was deserted at this time, it was kind of spooky, but I had to do it.

Here's the harbor again. It's right in front of our camping spot.

We're headed back to our coach.

Finally got around to finding us a place to eat. We really had a good meal. Tommy and I shared a meal of baby ribs (1 meal - $40.00). We both ate off of it and took some home, so it wasn't all that bad. The others ate fish. I was actually wanting a hamburger and I don't remember if they didn't have them or if it was a ridiculously pricey. Of course every thing is pricey out here.

This is what we see at the end of main street. It looks like a whale really to suck us in.

Here's Tommy again, holding down that post. Every time he can lend against something, he's going to do it. He calls it COPD.

Some more of the Skagway stores. The people are from all over the United States and different countries.

We're touring Skagway. These are some of the stores here on main street. Theres a bunch of buildings like this and all of them have bunches of souvenirs. Ships loads of people come in to port every day and thats what makes the population in these town. They are tourist towns. Without the tourist, there wouldn't be much going on there. I don't remember what the population is, but its very minor. Notice the name of the store, Red Onion Saloon.
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