This is Beth and Tommy. We had stopped to take pictures of a glacier and the river.

We saw waterfalls, glaciers and lots of beautiful scenery.

On the way to Hyder.

This is where we split. We went North to Alaska and they went toward the Alaskan Hwy.

After we stopped at the church, we decided that we were going to split for a day or 2. Here is the lone ranger going down her merry way. Beth and us decided that we wanted to go to Hyder Alaska which was about 100 miles out of the way. The rest of the group decided to go on and we would be meeting them later.

This is another picture of the church and tower. We all just parked right in front of the church. You have to park wherever you have a big enough space to park. Sometimes it makes it hard because we're five RVs and that takes a pretty big space but we've managed to see what we want to see, even though every now and then we do have to pass up some things. Sorry, at this time Bob had already split from us. He had to be at Anchorage Alaska at a certain date so he could fly back to Florida for a couple of weeks. At this posting, he is back at Soldotna where we are. He's at a park across the road from us.

These are a few of the totem poles that line the street across from the church.

We stopped at Gitwangak. Gitwangak has some of the finest authentic totem poles in the area. This is St. Paul's Anglican Church (the original old bell tower standing beside the church dates back to 1893).

We're headed to Gitwangak to look for the totem poles that people talk about.

Here we go again. We decided we were stopping at Smithers, BC or wherever we could boondock down the road.

We stopped for a rest at a Visitor's Center. We were trying to figure out where we were going to stop for the night.

We stopped and took pictures of some big beautiful waterfalls.

We have already crossed into British Columbia. Our intentions were to go to Dawson Creek from Prince George BC. At that time there were some fires going on somewhere in that area and we didn't know how long we might get held up out there, we decided to take the Cassiar Hwy. There's a lot of beautiful scenery here too, but to me Alberta has breathtaking scenery.

And this is what we found. Of course, these critters don't like to pose. We can try 15 minutes or more trying to get a good picture but it rarely happens. We'll take what we can get though. It's pretty exciting trying to get these kind of pictures.

People on the road side, that means stop, cross the road, take your camera and go look for "something".
Hey girl, you really have this process down very well, make me proud